Just a quick update.
I've been keeping pretty busy of late. Besides taking on my yearly outdoor project (this year tearing out some sod and putting in pavers), I'm taking another acting class with Jo Dodge through Pentacle Theater, working on voiceover auditions and training, and taking my first "Acting on Film" class with Shelly Lipkin.
Many of you already know of Jo Dodge. She's an amazing director, teacher, and actor who has been closely associated with Pentacle Theater for decades. When I first moved to Salem I decided to try her acting class and it was as if I'd found a kindred soul and a new home. When I think back on it, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that I kind of came alive the day I walked into her class. She's a great woman and I strongly recommend her class to anyone interested in acting at any level or who might just want to break out of their comfort zone and learn some great things that also apply to life.
If you're in the Portland area, I also highly recommend Shelly Lipkin's class. I've taken enough acting classes to know that he knows what he's doing and he has already confirmed a lot of what I've learned in theater classes. He's very experienced and adept at taking what knowledge, training, and experience you have and translating that into acting on film. He's also a very passionate, kind man - the kind we could use a lot more of in this often cynical, weary world. I'm excited to learn more from him as we go.
You can learn more about Jo Dodge and her acting class here at Pentacle Theater.
You can learn more about Shelly Lipkin's "Acting on Film" class at ShellyLipkin.com and you can learn more about Shelly's film credits at IMDb.
And, of course, if you have any questions for me you can always contact me through my website here or through my Facebook page. Check them out. You'll thank me for it!